Nation’s Largest Solar Highway Project Opens To Rest Stop Visitors

Written By Thomas Ponco on Friday, August 24, 2012 | 2:30 PM

The first Sports Cars are considered to be (though the term would not be coined until after World War One) the 3 litre made in 1910 Vauxhall 20 hp (15 kW) and 27/80PS Austro-Daimler (designed by Ferdinand Porsche).

Published August 24, 2012

By Philippe Crowe

Will you be traveling in Oregon along Interstate 5 some time in the future? You may want to have a look at the Baldock Solar Station on your way while taking a rest from driving.

One year after breaking ground, the nation’s largest solar highway project — a partnership between Portland General Electric and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) — is now open to visitors stopping to take respite from their travels along Interstate 5 in Oregon.

Growing clean, renewable energy amongst farm fields of corn and cabbage, the Baldock Solar Station is a 1.75-megawatt solar array boasting nearly 7,000 solar panels across seven acres of the Baldock Safety Rest Area, located on Interstate 5 northbound near Wilsonville.

Visitors to the station can learn about solar power and Oregon’s solar highway installations through a variety of interpretive displays and walk along a sustainable community garden bordering the site created by Oregon State University Master Gardeners.

Built and operated by PGE on land owned by the Oregon Department of Transportation, the $10 million solar array went online in January and is expected to produce 1.97 million kilowatt-hours of energy each year — equivalent to 11 percent of ODOT’s need in PGE’s service territory.

The Baldock Solar Station is also an all-Oregon project, meaning consulting, construction, analysis and other materials also were provided by Oregon companies. Its 6,994 panels were produced by SolarWorld of Hillsboro, Ore., with inverters provided by Advanced Energy of Bend, Ore.

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The station is the second joint highway solar project between PGE and ODOT and will help PGE meet the state’s Renewable Energy Standard of providing 25 percent of its power from renewable energy sources by 2025. To date, PGE has a combined 37.7 megawatts of solar power online by utility and customer resources in Oregon. Nearly 3,000 PGE customers have solar electric systems installed on their homes and businesses.

Bank of America provided financing for the project, with additional support provided by Energy Trust of Oregon, PGE’s Clean Wind program and the state’s Business Energy Tax Credit program.

More information about the Baldock Solar Station can be accessed here.

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